Create Custom Rewards Unique to Your Company
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Fully Customised Rewards
Company Reward Ideas

1-1 Coaching with a Leader
Get private time with a leader you've always wanted to learn more from. *Subject to his/her time and approval

A gift for your partner
Pick out a little treat for your partner to reward them for supporting you.

Ask everyone to show their pets on Zoom
Say hi to your team members' cute dogs, cats, rabbits, and even... kids?

Bring your child to Zoom
Invite your child to sit in at one of your team meetings. *Subject to approval

Bring your pet to Zoom
Show off your furry friend, and let it meet your team!

Buy a book
Pick a book of your choice and expense it. *Capped at $50

Company Swag
T-shirts, notebooks, tote bags, and other cool company merchandise.

Customised Trophy
Get your name and achievement engraved on a trophy. Exceeded Sales Target? Zero Technical Debt? You name it.

Day in the life of...
Shadow a leader for a day. *Subject to approval

Day off to volunteer
Give back to a cause of your choice. *Subject to approval

Desserts delivery
Sweet treats picked out just for you, send to your doorstep.

Dinner with your family
Knock off 2 hours earlier to spend more dinnertime with your loved ones.

Donate to a charity
Pick a cause to donate your points to.

Enrichment course
Sign up for a course out of work hours and expense it. *Subject to approval

Extended breakfast
Start work 1 hour later to enjoy a longer breakfast.

Gym membership
Subsidised gym membership for a month. *Up to $100

Half day off
Take a break! Max. 1 redemption per person each year

House cleaning
Hire 3 hours of professional help to clean your home, so you can focus on the things that matter.

Immunity at the next team drinking session
Protects you against having to drink shots or requests to "bottoms up". No matter whose birthday it might be ;)

Inter-department exchange
Work in another department for a day. *Subject to approval

LinkedIn recommendation
Get a leader you've worked with to write you a recommendation. *Subject to approval

Mental Wellness Subscription
Get 1 month of membership to Headspace, Calm, or any other mental wellness subscriptions.

Music class
Discover your hidden talent.

Name a Zoom room
What would you call it?

Newsletter feature
Get your achievement featured in the next company newsletter

Pay it forward!
Give your points away to a team member.

Personalised recognition note from CEO
Your CEO will write you a personalised note to commend your hard-earned achievements. Frame it up!

Personalised stickers
Pimp up your laptop with some company stickers, customised with your achievements.

Pick the next team building activity
Call the shots and choose something you want to do.

Pitch an idea to the Leadership team
Have an idea but not the right stage? Here's your chance to get the attention of the people that matter.

Employee rewards only work when it's personal
Make personalised recognition your company's superpower today.